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Pokey Lafarge :: In the Blossom of their Shade

Pokey Lafarge :: In the Blossom of their Shade

If the name didn’t give it away, this is suitable for slow-dancing cowboys, at least as they exist in our imagination. The crooning voice floats lithely over western swing and doo-wop influences to make you either start or stop howling at the moon.



A series of alien transmissions, ready for your fascinated decoding. A layering of sounds that are salty, sweet, savory. An incomprehensible message competing with a carnival across town and your roommate blasting Led Zeppelin through muffling walls.

Matt Sweeney + Bonnie “Prince” Billy :: Superwolves

Matt Sweeney + Bonnie “Prince” Billy :: Superwolves

Sweeney’s carefully considered guitar lines are entwined with Will Oldham’s intimate quaver and lyrical prowess, and it’s uncanny how this occasional intersection of two very prolific artists sounds like it’s decades into its trajectory.

Andrew Bird :: Panthology Songs II

Andrew Bird :: Panthology Songs II

Years from now, the early 2020s will timestamp short albums recorded and released during isolation the way protest songs on the pop charts mark the late ‘60s. This one would be near the top of the heap, intimate yet meticulous.