BALTHVS :: Harvest
What this band brings to the mainly-instrumental surf guitar disco potluck is exactly what you'd expect a band invited to the MISGDP to bring, but let's be honest for a minute: we don't ever want to run out.
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What this band brings to the mainly-instrumental surf guitar disco potluck is exactly what you'd expect a band invited to the MISGDP to bring, but let's be honest for a minute: we don't ever want to run out.
It’s been thirty years since Green Day’s Dookie changed music forever, and this project, which crams each and every song on the release into a different lo-fi representation, is truly giving it its proper due. The sample videos are quite worth watching.
Is it the analog synthesizer flourishes, or the gentle delivery with an aggressive intent, or the seamless shuttling between disparate elements that shouldn't work together? The band sounds perfectly familiar, yet completely its own thing.
Welcome to a near-biographical experience as we focus on songs named after (and occasionally about) real people you may have heard of.
Like kids at the yoke of an army tank, Pom Poko mix childlike glee with unstoppable energy.
The Spirit Of The Beehive is buzzing cataclysmically in your head, but that’s the price you pay for the honey.
Looks like YACHT is back and gesticulating wildly about.
There’s a lot of great new music out there right now, and near the top of the heap is The Bug Club, whose most recent release is filled to the brim with joyful nuggets of everyday life. The school year has started and the coffers are overflowing with a lot of great new music.