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North Americans :: Roped In

Third Man • released 2020-10-09

Subtle expressions of singing strings from a guitar and pedal steel, mixed with ambient sounds and other sources to make the soundtrack for the most intense relaxation you’ve had in a while.


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A series of alien transmissions, ready for your fascinated decoding. A layering of sounds that are salty, sweet, savory. An incomprehensible message competing with a carnival across town and your roommate blasting Led Zeppelin through muffling walls.

Olivia Jean / April March :: Palladium EP

Olivia Jean / April March :: Palladium EP

This is basically one song, rendered in three different ways by each artist, for a total of six complete blasts of enjoyment. Olivian Jean delivers the mermaid vibes, and April March is full of her usual yeh yeh, so you really can’t go wrong.

M83 :: DSVII

M83 :: DSVII

Very low-key instrumentals, dependent more on subtle dynamics than on any sort of recognizable or repeatable melodic content. Quite intellectual and meditative.

Olivia Jean :: Night Owl

Olivia Jean :: Night Owl

Heavily influenced by surf music and pre-psychedelic jangle, this collection of songs show a lot of energy and musicality, with Jean’s nicely hyper-reverberated guitar sharing the spotlight with her hypnotic vocals.